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Blog #251--Destruction Prevents Learning from the Past

Some scientists have concluded that our genetic and philosophical development has been assisted by highly evolved life forms over the millennia. They offer as proof a number of ancient, unexplained man-made structures, especially those that cannot be duplicated by modern equipment. It is fortunate some things, like the massive pyramids, Stonehenge and the other megalithic items found on most continents still exist. Regardless of their origins, these structures can serve to expose the truth of Earth’s past.

Unfortunately, we are all imbued with egos that are a combination of opposite aspects. So while we are creative builders, we are also destroyers. Throughout history, much evidence of our true origins and development has been destroyed. Every time we undergo a renaissance and experience advances in both science and creative pursuits, it is generally followed by a period of wars and destruction.

The victors have what they consider logical reasons for their destructive behavior. Much of it is simply to force complete submission and feelings of helplessness upon the defeated group. They rape the women and pillage the wealth, food and water supplies. They force survivors on the losing side to let go of their language, culture and religious beliefs. If the vanquished don’t accept this radical change, they are killed. If they do accept it, they live in squalid conditions on the worst land available.

Destroying a sense of nationality and commonality attained through a shared culture, language and religion prevents the vanquished from mobilizing a counterattack. In modern times, high walls prevent free movement of people to safe areas. Listening into phone calls and reading social media helps determine who the leaders of any counter movement are so they can be neutralized. Places of worship, iconic artwork and anything that might inspire or uplift the populace is destroyed. Without true leaders, the rest spin helplessly in their depression and live abbreviated lives of servitude.

The Native Americans are a good example. Europeans who immigrated to the land we now call America were on the move, and they stole the land and its resources from their original owners. They called all Indians who didn’t convert to Christianity heathens and discriminated against them. They forced them to live on land with no water or game. The new Americans wanted Indians to become farmers, but they were hunters and gatherers who knew nothing about farming. Newbies feared the Indians because deep inside they knew they were not superior. Forcing submission on the Indians was their way of sustaining their fragile belief system.

In recent times, a radical group fighting in the Middle East has intentionally destroyed beautiful and often quite large and elaborate buildings and stone etchings once they took control of the areas containing them. They blew up some structures and took sledge hammers to the rest. Realizing the stories depicted were not from their own religious beliefs, they most likely wanted to remove those references. Only their beliefs would be acceptable. Another group living farther East blew up two massive Buddhist statues carved out of a rock face a few years back, for the same reason.

I was saddened when I first heard about the fire started intentionally at the Alexandria Library in Egypt many centuries ago. That library contained written scrolls that would help us immensely in uncovering who built their impressive buildings and who they meant by “the Gods.” Even before the invention of the printing press, the written word was destroyed whenever it went against the beliefs of the time. What wasn’t destroyed was changed or mistranslated as it went from one hand to another over the generations.

Adolf Hitler and his Nazis enjoyed burning books. Hitler even ordered a “scorched earth” policy when it was obvious he was losing World War II. Fortunately, his military included some members who refused to destroy their own country just to prevent anyone else from having it. But some important documents and structures were destroyed nonetheless.

Censorship is always common, but it is especially true when a group wishes to have total control over a population. I will always remember how terrible I felt watching the movie “Fahrenheit 451.” That is the temperature needed to burn books. In the movie, based on the Ray Bradbury book by the same name, an oligarchy has total control of its people. Anyone caught with a book is punished immediately. The only solution offered was shown by a small group of book lovers who met in secret to share the contents of books they had memorized word for word.

This story is not as far-fetched as one might assume. While we haven’t seen evidence of this extreme yet, we are approaching a time where all manner of censorship is possible. We don’t need any censorship to have the vast majority of our people confused about our origins and purpose on Earth, but there are still some structures and writings that could lead clever individuals who think for themselves to discover what the ancients left behind to teach us. So don’t be surprised if the destruction quickens its pace.

Our egos don’t want the truth known because they fear they will have no purpose once we realize we are really spirits that live forever rather than bodies that die. So we all are capable of contributing to the destruction. More than that, we often ignore the obvious just to preserve comfortable lies we’ve been taught to believe.

For instance, there have been visitations from other planetary systems in the past; there is too much evidence to discount it all. But the secret cabal that has control over crashed discs and alien bodies has done a masterful job of hiding the evidence and hiring all sorts of debunkers and disinformation specialists to scare and confuse the general public. Some presidents have not been allowed to possess the truth of our history with extraterrestrials.

Debunkers try to convince us that, if we had been visited, we would all know about it. But that isn’t true. Our own egos are often too fearful of the situation to see through the obvious deceptions. Scientists involved in secret projects have retro-engineered captured craft to create their own flying machines capable of amazing speeds and maneuverability.

Some of the most emotion-charged events in our history have been carried out by our own governments. They have created second story lines to keep people looking the wrong way for the culprits. The more emotionally-intense the destruction, the more likely it will create an ego flight response for many. A simple reminder of the event keeps them spinning in tight emotional circles and susceptible to manipulation and deceit. In my lifetime, there have been so many false flag events, it’s hard to identify the events that were not created by a controlling group with ulterior motives.

Many books have been written describing all the destruction homo sapiens has left in its wake; this is just a brief reminder. But think how much more advanced we would be in our understanding of ourselves and our world if we could still have all those references available to us. If we ever wonder why we are still so confused and conflicted, we have only ourselves and our ancestors to blame.

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