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Blog #244--Current Events Support Book's Conclusions

In my book “It’s a Secret, So Pass It On: a Toolbox For Life,” I talked about how each of us has a destiny. In addition, I discussed how our behavior is influenced by our relative position within spiraling energy fields, and our soul level. Recent events demonstrate the veracity of these conclusions. This time in world history is a glorious opportunity to learn acceptance, forgiveness and non-judgment by understanding things we cannot change.

New US president Donald Trump made a statement, hopefully facetious, during his campaign for office that he could go out and shoot someone and wouldn't lose any votes. This was probably one of the most accurate things he said. After all, he has lived a fairly magical life where he wins far more than he loses. Sometimes it does indeed seem he is receiving advantages he neither needs nor deserves. This is a great example of a hidden force pushing him to succeed regardless of his approach or reputation.

Past presidents and candidates for president endured exposure of any skeletons in their closets. The general public rejected the candidacy of Gary Hart and others for sexual dalliances, and Republicans tried to impeach President Bill Clinton for the same reason. Corrupt business practices and emotional instability were also unwelcome. President Trump has developed a reputation, whether deserved or not, for womanizing and mistreatment of women far beyond most previous candidates, and he has been accused of business corruption. Voters didn’t care enough about any of these issues to deny him the presidency despite his vulnerability to blackmail and extortion.

Perhaps that was due to the general dislike people felt for his opponent Hillary Clinton. Regardless, Trump sensed his destiny would lead him to the White House, and it did. In his mind, it is further proof he can do no wrong. And it proves to me he was put into power, for good or ill, by a force beyond our ability to control or prevent. I call that destiny.

This is fairly typical of what happens with infant and baby souls, as described by a channeled entity named Michael in three books by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. My publisher was concerned about my inclusion of a chapter on soul level since it is impossible to determine precisely what soul level everyone has attained. But we can learn much from this study because it helps explain why false leaders are propped up at the expense of true leaders, and liars gain followers unavailable to honest folk. In general, the older the soul, the less involvement one has in the day-to-day governance of the rest of society. The Biblical notion that “a child may lead” is confirmed when one studies soul level.

I have stated previously my belief that President Trump is a baby soul. I am not trying to pass judgment upon him...this is an educated guess and could be incorrect. Baby souls maintain their belief system, whatever it is, throughout their lives. They are easily angered by those who disagree with them. Like many baby souls, President Trump is highly litigious when he doesn’t get his way.

President Trump also shows some signs of being an infant soul and may be in transition between the two. For instance, he simply cannot admit he is wrong about anything. Everyone makes mistakes, but some of us block all that from our conscious awareness and attack those who dare to accuse us. He has admitted to being somewhat of a germaphobe, a common malady in many of our youngest souls. I don’t know how President Trump feels when he is engaging in sexual intercourse, but infant souls are lustful rather than loving in their relationships. Given his past history and statements, one must wonder.

President Trump appears to exist near the vortex of a large energy whirlpool, where kings, queens, dictators and demagogues often reside. This is the domain of extreme conservatism; compromise is rare if not impossible for those with this perspective. Bravado and self-aggrandizement often hide a mountain of fear. It is relatively easy to predict the behavior of someone who lacks choices.

People with a tight, rapid spin rate (as exists near the center of the whirlpool of swirling energy) find it nearly impossible to tell a direct truth. Even if unintentional, statements become distorted readily. Some people with this mentality are considered pathological liars, and President Trump has been accused of some whoppers. Of course, perhaps the best way to determine truth is to take the exact opposite of what a pathological liar states.

Some of his cabinet appointees have similar tendencies. The new government will emphasize making money for its leaders over other considerations. It will support militarily countries that have in the past created useful business deals with them or expect to in the future. Intimidation and direct force may be used to help guarantee their business model and punish those who won’t play ball.

Also, President Trump appears to be a typical Gemini. He loves to communicate but usually operates on a superficial level. He is known for saying relatively opposite things at times, showing the world his twin nature. And he has a reputation for having an interest in multiple lovers.

If the general public is happy about having a self-centered, separatist governmental leader, there will be few complaints. If not, an undertow created by electromagnetic repulsion will push them in the opposite direction. This is as predictable as the sun rising.

This is just 2017, the beginning of the Trump presidency. We don’t wish to pass judgment on President Trump or his supporters. It’s their turn in the spotlight. But based upon what we have seen up to now, we have an opportunity to test our spiritual capacity.

My wife and I are senior citizens with limited incomes, so our future is definitely vulnerable at this time. The same is likely true for cultural and religious minorities, women, the handicapped, the labor force, those unable to afford high medical and medical insurance costs, nonbiased investigative journalists and anyone who dares disagree publicly with the new administration. Regardless, we have a chance to accept and forgive those who may have contempt for us.

I know this seems like an impossible task for those who expect difficulties ahead. But our latest authority figures likely don’t see expansively enough to include these subgroups in their world view. This is not something they can control. They were born this way, and every experience they’ve had in their lives has led them to their current perspectives. In their minds, they are doing exactly what they are supposed to do. Of course, that is also true of those willing to protest against them or otherwise stand up to them, for better or worse.

How can we blame those who are destined to do what they do? For that matter, how can we blame those who voted for them? They were all caught in the tsunami wave that pushed Trump and his friends into power. If his approach to governing does more harm than good, a strong opposing reaction may result in needed improvements. That’s how Nature balances.

Acceptance and forgiveness are possible if we are willing to see the bigger picture.

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