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Blog #246--Thoughts on Death Continue to Evolve

As long as we continue to live, we continue having opportunities to learn and grow as souls. My thoughts have evolved a great deal since my explosion of awareness in 1978. My book “It’s a Secret, So Pass It On: a Toolbox For Life” was published in 2014, but even that was by no means the final wisdom on any subject discussed there. It was the best I could do at the time, and I still believe totally in the conclusions drawn. But my thoughts on several subjects have been refined since.

As I grow closer to the end of my life, thoughts about what happens at death are more prevalent than previously. I am confident we are really spirits that live forever, but details can still get in the way of a clear understanding. Lately, I have wondered about what part or parts of us will exist in the afterlife, and what happens to any part of us that may not be retained. That has led to some interesting realizations.

Back in 1978, I thought the left brain represented truth, and the right brain represented lies. Relatively speaking, that is correct since the right brain produces indirect, circular statements. But the left brain can lie just as easily as the right brain; a direct statement that ordinarily might represent truth can be used to deceive. In fact, even the most extremely left-brain person cannot represent Universal Truth. It may seem relatively more truthful than the right brain, but both can lie or share truths.

At one time, I associated my female side with “wrong” or “bad” since that side is deceptive and potentially treacherous. But I was quickly reminded that I had fallen for an ego trap that would keep my opposite aspects separate and hostile toward each other. Fortunately, I grew beyond that because neither side is only good or only bad.

I have long known that each of us has a bottom line. In other words, one side or the other is the one we use as a last resort to survive. The persona we represent to the world appears to be who we really are, but that aura is a result of a blending of the opposites within us, not just one side at the expense of the other. Understanding which voice is which within our minds can be difficult to accomplish.

For instance, my direct, male, logical side has tried to compliment and reward my subconscious, indirect, feminine, intuitive side so it will know it has an equal place in my perspective (if my bottom line was indirect, my direct side would represent my subconscious). This encourages more cooperation between the two by letting the subordinate side know it will not be dominated nor its value minimized. If we can enhance both of their roles within our physical, emotional and spiritual aspects, we are happier and healthier.

I take one medicine at a specific time late in the evening. I have found I can trust my feminine aspect to point out the time on the clock while I watch television. Sometimes, I get the notification at precisely the correct time, and it is within a minute or two at least 80% of the time. After all, our feminine side can perceive things past, present and future that our left brain can’t.

As another example, I play a video golf game on my computer that sometimes requires great touch to get a good score. There are times when I can’t use logic to determine the precise shot: the distance I need might be somewhere in between the normal distances provided by two adjacent golf clubs. I have to trust my feel side to visualize the shot needed and then let it do what it does best. The more games I play, the better I get with this.

I have tried to thank it, as if it was a separate entity. But I now realize that is inaccurate, which has caused me to have great trouble choosing the proper pronouns. Who's talking to whom? The “I” in this article is actually a blending both of my left brain and right brain. So when “I” thank my feel side, who is talking to whom? Since it is not accurate to assume the two operate independently at any time, it is also impossible for one to thank the other. Both are thanking both.

With that in mind, I ask myself, “What part of me lives on after death? Do my male and female sides go their separate ways, to work with others in the future? Or do they remain together throughout eternity? Most people would speculate they would not stay together, as have I until recently.

But my latest perspective suggests that they may remain one throughout eternity and merely take on specific, narrowly-focused aspects of themselves in any lifetime they might experience. I say this because I have sometimes had dreams where a confident, extremely secure me was teaching things to someone else in a tone of voice that sounded exactly like my higher self, which I have come to know occasionally when I need its help the most. Whether we call that our higher self, spirit, adult ego state, “holy ghost,” Christ consciousness, a deity or something else, it is the blending of all aspects of ourselves.

In other words, and this is speculative since we can’t describe in words something that is beyond words, who we really are is a replica of the entire universe and is balanced in equal measure by opposites. In our limited, three-dimension existence, we have incorrectly perceived ourselves as separate from the whole when we are really everything that exists. When we die, we reacquaint ourselves with whom we really are before taking on any new assignment as a limited, confused being. We are our higher selves and have every direct and indirect aspect available to us. We use some of these for the role we are meant to play in any given lifetime.

What about our bodies in a world that may be an illusion? Many people wish to take their bodies with them, despite the fact bodies are limited and become more decrepit as we age. Or they insist on preserving their dead bodies in the vain hope they will be reanimated at some future date. But it seems to me that our bodies are reflections of who we are supposed to be in this life, and not our true selves. In other words, our bodies are distorted perspectives of who we really are.

If this is correct, then our bodies are also always a part of us throughout time since we are merely representing one limited role in one lifetime. They are projections from a universal mind that offers us an infinite number of possibilities. We are all the bodies and egos that exist, but we only perceive a small part of the whole, separate and different from others. In reality, they are projections of our thought, and that thought exists forever.

That’s what makes sense to me right now. Perhaps next year, something closer to Universal Truth will manifest itself in my thinking. If so, I will share it at that time.

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