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Blog #243--Life Near the Center of the Whirlpool

As discussed at length in my book “It’s a Secret, So Pass It On: a Toolbox For Life,” the universe contains a simple pattern of moving energy based on reversible electromagnetism that is duplicated at all levels of existence. We call it the “Balance of Nature” because it maintains a balance between opposite polarities, making sure both exist so life can continue. This pattern can be represented as a spiral that extends outward and upward in a cone shape from a central point. The resulting whirlpool of spinning energy can spread out or tighten like a coiled spring, and it does so in an alternating pattern.

In human terms, direct, dominant, independent left-brain people are more likely to reside farther away from the center, while indirect, submissive right-brain people are closer to the center. If a strong energy is added to the outside of the spiral, others move closer to the center, and vice versa. If there is an area that is empty, others move in to balance things out. This can be hard to visualize without diagrams, but two-dimensional diagrams don’t represent this process accurately. Examples are beneficial.

Fact #1: One cell divides into two by a process called mitosis. One set of chromosomes within the cell nucleus divides into two. These repel each other because they are the same polarity and likes repel, ultimately spreading apart sufficiently to create a second separate cell.

Fact #2: The bluestreak cleaner wrasse, a small fish native to the Indian and Pacific oceans, survives by setting up cleaning stations where it can eat parasites off the bodies of larger fish that request assistance. It provides an important service in exchange for its own survival. It also has a unique gender reversal survival strategy when it comes to its own reproduction.

One male usually controls a harem of females. But if the male is eaten, dies or leaves the others behind, the top female in the hierarchy reverses gender to become a male for the other females subordinate to her/him. In other words, for their survival to continue, a sex reversal is required to maintain a polarity balance within the group. Too much female energy without a male consort would result in all females failing to reproduce, ending the species. No life form can exist without both sexes, so Nature provides a solution.

Fact #3: Prior to 1941, the United States tried to remain neutral in the war started by Germany in Europe. Some like President Franklin Roosevelt wanted to join in to help Britain and its other allies defend against the aggressor. But a number of wealthy industrialists supplied weapons, money and other items to aid Germany’s war effort. Some even owned stock in the death camps that evolved. Had Germany attacked only Russia and not US allies, the US might have joined Germany in its fight since many of its leaders hated/feared the Russians.

In other words, the US was a mixture of opposite perspectives, with neither side capable of getting a consensus opinion to fight or remain neutral. That is, until Japan was lured into attacking Pearl Harbor. The events of December 7, 1941, forced the US to declare war both on Japan and Germany, ending any hope of neutrality. My father was nearly 36 years old at the time, and he joined the Marines to “fight the Japs.” Many other young men did as well. Suddenly, there was a majority consensus to enter the war on all fronts.

This was a strong polarity change. US citizens now had a common cause that overruled their ambivalence and disagreement. That united action is usually possible only after a country has been attacked. But fighting for a common cause helped the US create the means necessary to help the allies win World War II. Pearl Harbor had pushed most US citizens into a common polarity with Japan and Germany. The warlike mentality guaranteed war since likes repel. Once the war ended, the once-united US re-emerged as a melting pot of polarity variations since the common cause had vanished. Subtle differences could no longer be overlooked for the greater good.

The back-and-forth attraction-repulsion phenomena occurring throughout the universe guarantees occasional wars, and it guarantees intermittent peace. With that knowledge at our disposal, it is interesting to see where the world is at this time.

The newly elected government of the US, and those billionaires, financial movers and shakers, industrialists, and military generals joining the new regime, along with a complete sweep of both houses of Congress and a likely conservative majority on the Supreme Court, give us a good opportunity to watch Nature’s balance in action. The US is closer to the center of the whirlpool now than any time in my nearly 70 years of life. Can we predict any possible outcomes from this arrangement?

We are already seeing some predictability. With so many people having extremely conservative perspectives, there appears to be an increase of violence and general animosity among the general populous. Both supporters of the new president and those most opposed are demonstrating hate and violence against each other. At least one state is considering seceding from the country, and several others might have if the other main candidate had won the presidency. The conservatives plan to implement extreme measures to aid their self-interests, and their opposition is mobilizing a possible counter to those actions.

Leaders near the center of an energy whirlpool tend to behave like demagogues and dictators who are incapable of admitting they are wrong about anything and lie routinely. They use intimidation, bullying and, if necessary, punishments including internment and death toward those who dare disagree with them. Even if the leaders themselves are hesitant to use extreme measures, their strongest allies will expect it. Some citizens will become spies for the government, telling on those who don’t like the new administration’s policies, to guarantee conformity. It won’t work for the reason described above, but many people might suffer in the process.

Allies and enemies will be determined more via business decisions than geopolitical considerations. The rich will get richer and will start competing against each other once they have taken everything else. The poor will get poorer and will fight each other over scraps. Sounds a little like the government depicted in the movie “V,” doesn’t it?

Whether the new administration does these things, it or a future group will behave like this if the polarity extreme continues for any length of time. Eventually, there will be a reversal, and like the old adage, a “Phoenix will rise from the ashes.” That is a romantic notion, but it is also a certainty due to polarity reversal.

However, there is one thing most of us forget when seeking a Phoenix: the process requires ashes. That is the bottom line from which a return is guaranteed. So if we haven’t yet seen that reversal occurring, we can rest assured there will first be more ashes. Many people will be adversely affected. But at the least, it will be extremely memorable. So let’s keep our eyes and ears open to observe and study the process while it is happening since it is also happening within us.

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