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Blog #235--Watch and Learn Why All Civilizations Fail

U.S. Senator John Glenn died recently; his greatest accomplishment will live on in our memories. He was the first person to orbit the Earth from a space ship traveling outside our atmosphere, paving the way for an eventual moon landing.

This was living history. My school and many others suspended classes so students could watch events on television as they occurred. We sat spellbound as NASA fired up the rockets necessary to achieve exit velocity. There was plenty of tension since the potential for accident was strong. But everything worked out just fine, and we all had front row seats.

History is usually written long after events occur, allowing those most successful at the time to skew the message to favor themselves and their preferred version of events. Most of us are too busy with our own lives to observe accurately events at some distance from us, so we must rely on others’ reports. We tend to accept their version of events whether true or not because they may be our only source.

History is being made daily, and we don’t need to look far to find it. We may be told that all civilizations eventually fail, and schools teach us acceptable detailed versions of how and why. Our tendency is to presume these events will not be repeated in our lifetimes. Even if they do occur while we are alive, we usually don’t see the signs of destruction while they are occurring until it is too late to reverse the process.

I may be wrong, but current events around the world suggest strongly we are facing another self-destructing civilization that may be far closer to failure than it may seem at the moment. At least, it is repeating many of the same mistakes others have made in similar situations. For instance, the maturity and awareness of leaders tends to decrease over time.

The Roman Empire is a good example. Julius Caesar was no saint, but he commanded the respect of many of his citizens. However, there were few others with similar traits around to replace him after he passed. By the time his great, great grandson Caligula and later Nero took power, Rome was left floundering by manipulative, corrupt and violent young souls who thought only of themselves and sought revenge against anyone who said or did anything they didn’t like.

Over time, some of the laws were re-interpreted or changed to suit the rulers. This caused great consternation and fear among the rank-and-file, who had to suffer the agony of mistreatment wherever the empire had holdings. And false notions of superiority, typical of the youngest souls, pervaded the wealthy. They worked diligently to separate themselves from the rest of mankind, and the more successful they were, the more they created enemies among the people.

Grabbing massive territories contributed to the destruction as well. Distant governors could do what they pleased and often created their own fiefdoms. Having such great power lured them into corruption and meanness, the same as their emperors. Many of the distant realms fell apart little by little. Rome could no longer control that much territory.

I bring this up because we have globalists among us at this time in history also. Like the emperors and dictators of old, these so-called leaders have become less and less accountable to the people they are supposed to serve. Instead, they care about increasing their personal fortunes.

Financiers love wars because they loan money to both sides; they have a desire for powerful countries to maintain a war readiness. This may aid the globalist agenda in the short run, but it also creates more enemies while bankrupting economies. That is especially true when taxes are used to hire proxy and privatized armies to supplement their own. After all, those fellows don’t care in the slightest about any country, they are not beholden to any laws, and they are paid better than the soldiers they replace.

If we pay attention, we can see plenty of indicators of civilization fail right now. Leaders are becoming more and more selfish with each election, doing much harm to friend and foe alike. As younger souls take over, they think only what is best for them and theirs while excluding the general public. And they hire associates who are equally two-dimensional, preventing any kind of balanced thinking that could prevent disastrous extremes.

They know their biggest enemy is an independent media, so they do everything in their power to eliminate investigative reporters and media companies that try to expose their corruption. That includes targeting journalists during wars and limiting their access to the battlefront. In fact, how leaders treat the media is one excellent method for determining whether a civilization is rising or falling.

Over time, US media have seen laws limiting biased reporting dwindling. This aids the deceitful. Instead of a law that no person or company can own more than one media outlet in any given area, we now have near-monopolies in some locations. For instance, all major US media are owned by just six multinational corporations. They won’t permit any investigation of their own business practices, and they often demonstrate bias favoring one political party over all others.

Bullying and intimidating the media go along with that; some journalists are blacklisted to prevent quality investigatory efforts that might expose governmental shenanigans. Media are ridiculed to encourage distrust of them by the general public. Press conferences, especially those permitting unlimited topics, are limited or eliminated. With the advent of social media, it is now possible to lie to the public without journalists serving as intermediaries. The general public is easy to deceive if there are no alternative viewpoints being expressed.

Countries that are upwardly mobile and believe in what they are doing have nothing to fear by stating truthfully their intent. For instance, the original approach used by the United States was to be honest and forthcoming, at least for the most part. This built trust so essential for a balanced, thriving society. And since the people ran the government, they needed to know exactly what was going on. Now government secrecy is increasing exponentially.

With each passing year, presidents have become more and more deceitful, to the point they refuse to tell the public their plans or tell lies they later reverse. They now behave similarly to other empires that have come and gone. All the infamous “leaders” in the past had their day in the sun, but they were all basically children who were too selfish and narrow in focus to lead a large group of people. This is highly predictable since history repeats itself endlessly.

Many Americans will deny their country is in the throes of a failing existence. But if we examine the evidence, we can find signs of possible destruction. When that destruction might occur is anyone’s guess, but no one can escape the inevitable rise and fall cycle that all generations must endure. It is the nature of our existence, and we can’t change it. Watch closely, and you will see history in action, just like those of us who watched John Glenn.

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