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Blog #225--Disbelief Limits Book's Credibility

My book “It’s a Secret, So Pass It On: a Toolbox For Life” has been in print more than two years now, and sales remain stuck in neutral. Part of that is my own refusal to use social media to convince people to spend their hard-earned dollars if they are not naturally attracted to it. I trust the book will eventually reach the public domain, but that may not occur in my lifetime. Regardless, it will reach the people it is meant to reach eventually.

In the meantime, I realize I share a number of ideas in the book that strain credibility. I have a strong scientific background, so I am not duped easily by fanciful tales. I have a natural skepticism but a willingness to try on various ideas to get a feel for their veracity. I was born in Missouri, and I possess the “show me” trait considered common for residents of that state. When I am given convincing evidence, I explore it further.

For example, like I mentioned in the book, a whole new world opened up to me once I decided to assume other life forms could communicate with me. That way, if some kind of communication occurred, I would be most likely to notice it. That is exactly what happened with a variety of life forms.

I mentioned my rubber plant in the book. I have felt a connection with it that has allowed me at least a minimal understanding of its needs. I have received what I believe is communication from it on several occasions, and it happened again as this past summer approached.

The weather warmed up sooner than usual. We had a new porch built for us last fall, and we were told to wait until spring to stain it. One warm day before the staining took place, I started to go outside the sliding door, and I got the strong impression the rubber plant, already with one branch fairly close to the door, wanted me to let it outside. I felt it was actually trying to move through the door, and that feeling was accompanied by a flash of light, typical of instances where mental communication with others occurs. My wife said she noticed the same thing around the same time.

I know many people will never believe this is a true story, and you only have my word as proof I am correct in my interpretation. But that doesn’t make it untrue. There are valid scientific reasons why interspecies communication is not only possible but natural. That doesn’t mean all scientists accept the premise, but cell physiologists know that cells communicate with each other. Quantum physicists know that one atom can be in communication with another atom millions of miles away from it. Members of each species seem capable of sharing information...just ask the various types of biologists who study the phenomenon.

The general public might not know these statements to be fact, but fear blocks their awareness. Many of us would rather maintain a status quo based on a limited knowledge of ourselves and our universe than to explore beyond those barriers. A few like myself have no governor on our thought processes and have a natural curiosity to learn the truth, wherever that may lead. There is no harm in considering possibilities that may seem dubious to the general public. How can we improve as individuals or as a species if we never learn new things?

I mentioned soul level in my book, and this is a chapter that causes much doubt among readers. After all, there is no way we can test soul level on people. But we can take the descriptions of the various levels of development and extrapolate backward toward the primary characteristics of individuals. For instance, one prominent politician who ran for office this year sees the world only as me or not me.

This likely indicates he is a baby soul. He had a good chance of winning because in this world, a child often leads the older souls and learns from its mistakes (often at the expense of the rest). I can’t prove he is a baby soul, but the relationships between baby souls and others described in my book seem to fit his situation quite well.

With my scientific background, I assumed astrology and numerology were popular only among kooks and weirdoes, thanks to all the negative programming we receive about such things. Certainly, many of those who do astrological and numerological readings for people are a little different than the average person, further limiting their potential value. But once I began to look beyond external descriptions and appearances, I began to find truths that surprised me. Like I said in the book, it took a devastating series of events to encourage me to search for an explanation. I found it with astrology.

Once I accepted astrology (and later numerology) as having merit, I began to test it on as many people as I could. I found consistent patterns that were predictable. I promise you, I would not wish to waste my time or yours by writing about things that cannot be substantiated. The same thing is true for a number of other topics mentioned in my book.

Astrology is demeaned by astronomers, but astrologers may be closer to understanding the truth of the universe than the astronomers who came along later. In fact, the two groups have an opposite perspective. Astrologers believe that what we see outside us is also happening within us, while astronomers believe space is vast, and we are separate from the rest of it. Indeed, if the world is merely a projection of what is going on in our minds, seeing galaxies as far, far away may be the reverse of the truth.

Likewise, Sophists have been propagandized for many centuries as representing false teachings, but they may have been closer to the truth than the better known Socrates, who modified some of the Sophists’ original teachings, and his student Aristotle, who moved even further from the original belief system. As another example, Druids may have been more spiritually advanced than the Roman Catholics who overtook them and then rewrote history.

I won’t be around to see it, but I truly believe one day my book will be an eye-opener for those courageous enough to consider the information on equal terms with what has come before. I encourage everyone fitting this description to not let fear and false propaganda prevent a learning opportunity. Try might like it.

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