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Blog #207--Interesting Tidbits Not Included in Book, Part 17

This is part 17 of a continuing series of short topics that expand upon concepts shared in my book “It’s a Secret, So Pass It On: a Toolbox For Life.”

Tidbit #1: Most people claim the image of the Egyptian queen Isis shows her with horns. Looking at a frontal view, it indeed appears she has two horns growing out of her head. But like I mentioned in the book, I don’t believe these images represent a bull’s horns.

Hieroglyphs of Isis also appear to show horns, but while she is facing to the side, her “horns” are still depicted side-by-side. This would indicate her two horns were growing out the front and back of her head, an unlikely scenario. Sculptures of Isis show her with no horns of any kind, but horns would be included if she really had them. In addition, there appears to be a cup, hat or pot on top of her head, with the “horns” rising from it. These facts force us to consider a different explanation.

The feminine principle has a direct connection to creator. That is why intuition can be accurate, and why females often possess more of it than males. We all have female aspects and thus intuition, but some are more aware of it and utilize it than others. Those who embrace the feminine principle strongly have the greatest ability to share messages back and forth with creator source.

One wishing to demonstrate this principle on a two-dimensional drawing would wish to show an opening at the top of a female’s head that gets larger as it rises. The ends of the “horns” in drawings found in Egypt curve outward, suggesting an energy that is opening up to infinity. If one were to create a model of Isis in three dimensions and wish to include this object above her head, they would in essence create a cone-shaped bowl rising upward and outward. Inside the bowl is a round object, which would be a ball in three dimensions. That represents the universe, and round objects in general represent female energy.

The feminine principle has this wonderful connection with spirit, but it is limited in its ability to describe it or utilize it practically. It requires a consort to complete the process, and this is provided by the male principle. Isis married her brother Osiris in Egyptian mythology, and Osiris represents the logical, rational communicator capable of describing in words what the female principle shares as images. Questions to ask the creator go from the male principle to the female principle, where they are shared with spirit. Answers follow the reverse route.

Images of Osiris also show two curved lines rising from the top of his head, with a conical or cylindrical hat or similar object within its confines. Straight lines and cylindrical objects are opposite round objects and thus represent the male principle.

What I believe this means is that both Isis and Osiris, and thus all females and males, have access to Universal Truth when they combine their forces. It does their messages a definite disservice to assign a bull’s horns to a story so significant for learning to understand ourselves and our world. If Isis and a horn have any connection, I am confident it is the cornucopia or “horn of plenty” that is being depicted.

Tidbit #2—Favored major league baseball teams usually win. But there are also times when underdogs rise up and overthrow the favorites. I happened recently to hear members of a team that had won a world series describe their memories at a reunion. It was an extremely unique result since the victors had barely made it to the playoffs with a big push at the end of their season. They had the worst record of all the teams in the playoffs, but their best baseball lay ahead of them.

I don’t remember all the details, but suffice it to say there were numerous examples of strange and highly unpredictable events that helped grease their pathway to the top during their final push and subsequent playoff run. They were on the ropes numerous times, but other teams would make mistakes, mediocre pitchers suddenly found their hidden genius, mediocre hitters did things even they thought impossible, and one victory followed another.

One member of the team described the situation succinctly: “It was magic!” Isn’t it amazing how often we describe unusual events in grandiose terms that have not yet been verified scientifically? And isn’t it equally amazing how little interest we have in finding out why a team gets that magical assistance to become greater than the sum of its parts at the right time and right place to achieve ultimate success?

It was their destiny to win a world championship since there is no other logical explanation. We don’t like giving up our sense of free will, so we don’t use the word “destiny” except in passing. But the “magic” works both ways. One team gets on a role, while other teams suddenly make mistakes, suffer injuries or play sluggishly. There is no logical way of predicting this result; it happens despite the intense efforts of a great many talented people to win the championship themselves. Suddenly the weak team’s line drives land fair by one inch, while the strong team’s line drives land foul.

Many of us have had moments in our lives when results of efforts we are making produce beyond our wildest dreams. It is easy to imagine some sort of “magic” being involved. And most of us have had times when our best efforts failed and less talented competitors won. In these situations, we usually find a more derogatory term to describe the situation. But both are examples of destiny.

My heart is overjoyed to realize a number of people have great things ahead of them that will demonstrate to them the power of their destiny to fulfill their fondest dreams. They have a chance to learn an immense lesson. For those who suffer from others’ successes, I encourage you to trust there are long-term reasons for the result that may ultimately prove more beneficial to you than what you believe you just lost. Since destiny works equally for everyone, all things eventually balance out.

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