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Blog #190--The Alter Ego, Part 1

I discussed extensively the way our bodies work in the book “It’s a Secret, So Pass It On: a Toolbox For Life.” We are composed of two equal but opposite energies that must work together to be in balance and healthy. One side is direct and the other indirect. One is male and the other female. One is rational and logical, and the other is irrational and illogical. All opposites describe these two opposing forces.

Each of us has a bottom line. We use both halves of our brains and bodies during general daily activity, but we have a tendency to prefer one side when our survival is threatened. Many of us find fault with characteristics that are opposite our preference, both in others and ourselves. This second half goes by many names including alter ego, subconscious, unconscious, shadow self and dark side. Many books have been written on this subject; this is merely a brief overview.

I devoted a chapter in the book to the fact our alter ego is our true soul mate, the one who is our balancer and is always with us throughout our lives. Unfortunately, that knowledge doesn’t make it easier for some of us to reconcile behaviors opposite our preference. In fact, many of us work diligently to “kill off” or shut up our alter egos or those of others. But since both sides have an instinct for survival, the alter ego works to counteract any attacks on it and will show itself at inopportune times to express itself and its need for attention and acceptance. This can become a vicious cycle.

Each person is a unique combination of opposite tendencies, but there are some stereotypes that manifest themselves frequently. For instance, strongly dominant, direct people, usually but not always male, may be really good at giving orders but rebel against authority figures. They may have careers where logic is a requirement. They may have a love of exploring vast wilderness territory but are much less comfortable within a community setting. They may find commanding a military unit preferable to nurturing their own children.

They often keep their soft, emotional side hidden from view. The words “I love you” may never cross their lips, assuming others see it as a sign of weakness or femininity. The receptive part of their natures may manifest in alcohol, tobacco, food or drug addictions to make up for a lack of more constructive expressions. Such a person may find balance by showing love for animals, flowers, tools, vehicles or other objects. If forced to submit for an extensive period, violent outbursts are likely.

People who are strongly submissive and indirect are usually but not always female and may be intuitive, playful, sensuous and nurturing. But they may also have trouble solving their own problems and need to lure someone else to help them. They may be extremely adept at deception and manipulation, but their unwillingness to help themselves forces their direct side to find expression. If necessary, extremes like throwing temper tantrums, breaking objects of value and other irrational acts may be a necessary balance point to relieve built up tension.

They may hate the notion of being eligible for a military draft because they want others to do those “dirty” deeds. They may resent equal rights for women since they have an advantage given the number of people willing to open doors for them, let them in front of the line, put them on the lifeboats first and so on. They may be repulsed as much by direct people as their own alter egos since an irrational fear assumes direct energy will harm them. They often enable their children while forcing submission on their spouses.

Many of these people naturally draw others to them, so it appears they are getting what they want without using direct energy. But too much of a good thing is a bad thing. They may enjoy having children, perhaps an abundance of them, but they may also suffer from cancer since it is an excessive reproduction of cells within their bodies. And they may struggle mightily if they have no one to do tasks for them that require direct energy, such as when their hard-working spouses die before them.

Those who are in the middle regarding their opposites have a survival advantage because they are highly adaptable and can use whatever side of their nature best fits the situation. Most of us fall into this range. Some of us may be able to find success both in direct studies such as math and indirect studies like art or creative writing. Some may be good in sports while also being able to nurture those in need. Some may be highly emotional and reactive to known and unknown threats but then face severe threats in a direct way. The combinations are endless.

Some mid-range people are born with female bodies but a direct nature, or male bodies with an indirect nature. Zuni Indians called a select few of their tribe “man-woman” and encouraged their unique blend of talents and perspectives. Homosexuality is likely with a few of these people, but many others merely experiment with opposite gender perspectives while functioning primarily as the gender their bodies manifest normally. Most may find this acceptable, but others may long for a sex change operation if they identify better with the opposite sex.

Terms such as homosexual, lesbian, transgender, transsexual, and transvestite are sometimes used derogatorily, but many of these people are actually capable of great things if given a chance to maximize a positive relationship between their two halves. Their sexual orientation is merely one small aspect of a much larger picture.

People who are closer to the extremes of male or female will distrust middle people because of their seemingly vacillating natures. If those at an extreme are two-dimensional, they want everything to exist clearly as black or white, male or female. Those who don’t show such sharp demarcations go against their rules for living. This may lead to confrontations and discrimination. Of course, some of the most strongly homophobic people are actually fearful of their own gender confusion and hide it by protesting loudly against those who most remind them of themselves.

Gemini people are natural twins. Their two halves seem to take turns in charge, and they can appear schizophrenic. A few likely are schizophrenic, especially if their instincts are so strongly desirous of separation their ego splits into multiple separate personalities. But most of those born under the sign of Gemini are simply normal as two people.

For instance, my wife is a Gemini who loves to play with children but is also a high school teacher and has worked as a tax preparer. A friend has used logic to become a millionaire by creating successful companies but flips over into a charming child who loves all women and draws them to him like a magnet. One side may not know what the other side does when it is in charge.

(This article is continued in part 2:

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