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Blog #182--Interesting Tidbits Not Included in Book, Part 12

This is article #12 in a continuing series of topics not included in my book “It’s a Secret, So Pass It On: a Toolbox For Life” or which expand upon ideas mentioned in the book.

Tidbit #1: As a species, we prefer simplistic answers and explanations. That way, we don’t have to think. We can pretend the world is black and white, that there are no vague nuances between extremes and that rules have no exceptions. We are right and those who disagree are wrong. Of course, that is an extremely immature perspective since the world is filled with exceptions.

As Kevin Helliker wrote on January 12, 2015 for the Wall Street Journal, a man named Chuck Rorie drove to Kansas from his home in North Carolina the previous December to hunt deer. Like most hunters, he wanted to bag a buck with a large rack of antlers. He thought he had killed an 8-point buck on December 3, 2014, until he began to examine it more closely. It turned out the deer was a doe with horns, said to be an extremely rare exception to normalcy. Only three other does with antlers were killed that entire year, one each in Montana, Maine and Arkansas.

This female had a high testosterone level but was also fertile, making her transgender. Rorie said other does were running away from it, as if it were a buck. And she was leery of bucks that might wish to fight her for the right to mate with other females. In other words, she was an outcast. Sound familiar?

Helliker’s research discovered a study published in 1965 in the Journal of Wildlife Management that discussed postmortem studies of 23 antlered does. That article states:

“Seventeen were functional females, four were males with undescended testes in the intra-abdominal fat, one was a hermaphrodite, one bore an adrenal-type tumor.”

At least one type of fish can change sex if it is needed for reproduction; earthworms are natural hermaphrodites, having both sexes. Many if not all species occasionally produce atypical offspring, including transgender, homosexual and hermaphroditic individuals. We can’t just throw out and forget the exceptions to normal rules because they continue to occur. That’s the way Nature works, whether we like it or not.

Tidbit #2: Back in the early 1980s, before I met and married my second wife, I lived alone in a house with a basketball hoop in the back yard. A tall, skinny young black man I will call William lived in an apartment a block away. I never saw him without a basketball in his hand. One day he got up the courage to ask if he could play in my back yard, and I agreed. He did this several times before I married and had to move out. I didn’t really know him well, so I thought moving to a different house would end the relationship.

Then one night I had a dream where I saw William getting into my car by climbing over my lap from the driver’s side to reach the other seat. I was parked in the parking lot of a football field adjacent to a nearby high school where he attended. I didn’t think much about it, but shortly after that we went to a football game at that field and saw William. He came running up to us, and we felt a strong connection with him. He slowly but surely became a part of our family.

He hit it off with my son and my wife’s three children. And little by little we discovered he had no father, his mother was able to feed him only occasionally, and he had no other support except a younger brother and a grandmother. Our hearts opened to him, and we fed him when it was feasible. He felt like part of the family.

His ultimate goal was to play professional basketball, although we realized after watching him play he would not attain that level of success. His grades weren’t good enough to get accepted into a four-year college, but he thought a California junior college would be a place he could improve his academics while proving himself on the basketball court. He found a school willing to take him, but he needed seed money to fly out to San Francisco and obtain room and board. I believe in helping those who are trying to help themselves, so I gave him the money.

He didn’t succeed in junior college, and he was forced to fend for himself without the support he needed. We didn’t hear from him for a long time, and he couldn’t ask us for more help even if he had contacted us. Upon finally making it back home, he told me he felt he had been my son in a former life, and that I had not provided sufficiently for him. But he was convinced I had since fulfilled my obligation to him, freeing me from any additional karmic debt. What he said felt right to me also.

We went our separate ways, and to this day I don’t know what happened to him. But he gave me a philodendron plant enclosed in a glass bottle with water in it that he wanted to give a good home. We still have it, growing well free of its constraints. I hope he is doing likewise. This experience points out how dreams are sometimes prophetic, and seemingly random meetings can be the result of connections that exist far beyond the limits of any lifetime.

Tidbit #3: One chapter in my book is devoted to astrology and numerology. It is uncommon for someone with lots of science in his or her background to find value in these topics, but I have found accuracies regarding events and predictability that give them credibility. One question some people ask when trying to discount astrology is, “How can everyone born within one birth sign experience predictable events simultaneously all over the world?”

Obviously, our individual perspectives prevent us from seeing everything happening simultaneously, even though quantum mechanics suggests they are. But assuming time and space are real and not illusions, there may be an explanation for how this works. I have found that many events described for my sign in daily horoscopes come true beginning around 1:30 pm the day before they are said to occur for the typical person of my astrological designation. This might be the result of me being born at the beginning of my sign. Perhaps I experience specific events before those born during the middle or end of our shared sign, but we all eventually experience similar events.

Of course, most of us are more complex astrologically than can be defined in a brief daily horoscope. And some of us may not experience specific up and down cycles the same year as others born in our sign. But I’ve found they do eventually occur to all of us.

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