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Blog #158--Water Is Life, Part 2

Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto has done tremendous research into the properties of water. His book “The Hidden Messages in Water” describes his experiments photographing various water crystals and the revelations gained from them. His work proves conclusively that we need to respect the importance of water in our lives and how we can be affected by it, both positively and negatively, depending upon how we treat it.

When Emoto photographed water crystals from various sources, he made a number of unique discoveries. Natural water produced beautiful, well-formed crystals, all slightly different one from another. Water treated with chlorine, such as that found in Tokyo, produced no crystals at all. Tap water in general produced far fewer crystals than natural water due to man-made additives. Some crystals were deformed.

Emoto wondered whether messages could be transmitted to and from water since it transports energy throughout our bodies by means of our bloodstream and by osmosis from cell to cell. He placed a bottle of distilled water between two speakers and played various types of music for it. He froze small clusters of the water and then photographed them in the few seconds before melting began. He described what he discovered:

“The results astounded us. Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony, with its bright and clear tones, resulted in beautiful and well-formed crystals. Mozart’s 40th Symphony, a graceful prayer to beauty, created crystals that were delicate and elegant. And the crystals formed by exposure to Chopin’s Etude in E, Op. 10, No. 3, surprised us with their lovely detail...

“All the classical music that we exposed the water to resulted in well-formed crystals with distinct characteristics. In contrast, the water exposed to violent heavy-metal music resulted in fragmented and malformed crystals at best.”

He then wrote positive and negative words and phrases onto sheets of paper and taped one each facing inward to bottles of water. The water exposed to “thank you” produced beautiful crystals, while the water exposed to “fool” produced malformed, incomplete crystals. Emoto was especially inspired by one result:

“I particularly remember one photograph. It was the most beautiful and delicate crystal that I had so far seen—Formed by being exposed to the words “love and gratitude.” It was as if the water had rejoiced and celebrated by creating a flower in bloom. It was so beautiful that I can say that it actually changed my life from that moment on.”

We know that words can have a powerful effect on our physical and emotional well-being. Since our bodies are primarily water, it becomes clear how much difference positive thoughts and words can make for us. Perhaps that’s why many cultures have blessed their water prior to drinking it. Maybe those positive feelings can help to counteract the more harmful effects of certain impurities within the water. Of course, the person blessing the water must share messages that are sincere and heart-felt.

A friend gave me a bottle of water with several positive affirmations taped to it. I had just returned from a series of tests that concluded I would likely die within 4-6 weeks without open heart surgery, which I declined. Each day since, I have added fresh water to the bottle and then let it sit for half a day before drinking it. I can’t prove it has helped me, but 18 months later I am still alive.

Conclusions reached by Penn State’s illustrious scientist Dr. Rustum Roy helped Emoto in his work:

“Water is extremely responsive to very low-level solutes (diluted chemicals dissolved in the water—for instance, added chlorine or fluoride in parts per million), strong or weak magnetic and electric fields, as well as “subtle energies” (energies outside the measurement range of current scientific instrumentation). It is this innate yet extreme sensitivity that allows for the formation and reformation of geometric units of patterning within clusters of water molecules. Even more interesting is that this enormous capacity for structural pliability is more responsive to energetic exposure than to chemical stimuli.”

Hands-on healing and even remote healing are possible in large part because the atoms of water are responsive to them. C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D., author of numerous books and publications and founding president of the American Holistic Medical Association, is highly impressed with Emoto’s findings:

“Half of the earth is water; our body is three-quarters water. Water represents the interface between the 4th dimension in which we live and the 5th dimensional sphere of our soul. Many studies have shown subtle effects of healers upon hydrogen bonding and infrared absorption of water.”

Stated simply, water is a basic building block of life, and we are its children. Life as we know it developed in water. We are still connected to water in multiple ways. Like two cells communicating with each other, so too do we communicate back and forth with water. It is important that we take care of water and do our best to make it as happy as possible, for its sake as well as ours.

Emoto eloquently gives us all clear choices:

“If you fill your heart with love and gratitude, you will find yourself surrounded by so much that you can love and feel grateful for; you can get closer to enjoying the life of health and happiness. But what if you emit signals of hate, dissatisfaction, and sadness? Then you will probably find yourself in a situation that makes you hateful, dissatisfied, and sad.

“The life you live and the world you live in are up to you.”

Of course, that means doing all we can to preserve water in its natural state, treating it with proper respect, and making it abundantly available for everyone. We don’t own water but are completely dependent upon it. Those who wish to control it for personal benefit may ultimately learn to regret their mistreatment of Nature’s essential resource. But those who remain oblivious to the true nature of water and the ulterior motives of their water suppliers may also suffer needlessly.

Part 1:!Blog-157Water-Is-Life-Part-1/c1q8z/571e5ec00cf232b075cdcd7f

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