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Blog #156--What Is a Lightworker?

In the world of metaphysics, some people are known as “lightworkers.” They are the ones who give of themselves unselfishly to assist others along their life paths. They shine a bright light into the dark recesses of the world and help balance the destructiveness and negativity.

It is easy to recognize luminaries such as Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa and Martin Luther King as lightworkers during their lifetimes. Perhaps Pakistani teenager Malala Yousafzai, nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, is one as well. But many true lightworkers live anonymous lives, preferring to help others more than to receive personal glory.

We need to define our terms, but that can be difficult. The lack of a precise definition makes the subject an easy target for the ego to dispute and ridicule. If it asks for this light’s origin, we can say it is an eternal representation of a creator. But the ego can’t wrap its thoughts around eternal concepts, and its definition of “creator” depends on what religion it prefers.

In scientific terms, we might describe it as the energy found within the space-time continuum, which is another concept beyond our ego’s perception. No matter what answer we give, it always leads to another question because words are imprecise. Words can have multiple interpretations, and there are exceptions for every rule. But we can recognize subtle differences between lighworkers and the rest of humanity.

When we discuss “light” in this context, it is not sunlight. Sunlight counters the darkness and provides warmth and other necessities for survival on Earth. But the light we are talking about has a brilliance about it that is beyond the visual acuity of most humans.

Those who have had near-death experiences describe it as a beautiful energy that draws them lovingly to it. It is the bright light that flashes in our minds when we experience inspiration and insight. It is the spiritual energy prophets and seers have attempted to describe throughout time with limited success.

It is the difference between spiritual and religious. Most if not all of those who work as clergy for the various world religions are religious, but a smaller number are truly spiritual, and an even smaller number of their parishioners have gone beyond simply following their leaders. It is the difference between memorizing and regurgitating lines from a holy book and knowing certain truths to be self-evident, with or without religious training.

It is also the difference between giving selflessly to others, knowing both intuitively and logically their equality with all others, and expecting something in return for their charitable work. It is the difference between higher self connectedness and ego self-interest. Spiritual lightworkers maintain a courage of their convictions others cannot duplicate due to fear and doubt. And they don’t call themselves lightworkers, preferring their work more than individual recognition. We distinguish the two groups from each other by their deeds, not their words.

Lightworkers can be found in all walks of life, and many are as yet unaware of their role on this plane of existence. They will fulfill their mundane duties, but they will also respond unselfishly when needed. They may not be content with their lives and seek solitude to recharge batteries. They may prefer their own inner guidance to the loud voices heard around them when interacting with the public.

They may try a variety of different pathways while searching for their ultimate purpose. Regardless of how much success they have with various careers or hobbies, they may not feel like they belong within those subgroups. They may suffer from loneliness because of this. They believe there is something more to life than they are led to believe by the vast majority of fellow humans.

Because they are usually empathic and feel emotional stress in others, they are usually ready to offer assistance. As natural givers, they attract their opposite in relationships. In other words, they attract those who want someone to take care of them. This may be a complimentary relationship in terms of electromagnetism, but it gives lightworkers a feeling of having unequal relationships. Their personal lives may suffer as a result unless they can find time for themselves. If they try to balance the give and take in a relationship, their partners may drop them like hot potatoes.

They crave love and intimacy, but much patience is required. They may have to wait until their passing to obtain what they so richly deserve. Lightworkers want to help create a peaceful world but find their efforts lacking in this regard. Simply listening to the daily news is too negative and depressing for many to bear, so they precipitate out of society whenever possible. They also have little interest in many of the most popular activities shared by the majority of the population.

Most lightworkers have little interest in making large amounts of money, trusting the universe to provide for them when needed. Most don’t accumulate material things to excess, although some might have that tendency at times to appease their need to balance giving with receiving. Addictions are possible if they seek at times to escape a world that is so painful for them. This creates new problems, but it may simply be a necessary compensation for their plight. Depression is also possible.

They are usually intensely spiritual, but many do not seek any specific religious affiliation. This can be difficult for others to understand, especially those whose parents, religious leaders and many others have bombarded them with one religion or another since birth. Lightworkers may try out one or multiple religions but maintain an independence of thought. If they benefit less from a religious service than their own inner guidance, many will choose the latter.

Empathic people are usually psychic and have occasional visions. This helps strengthen their inner knowingness and guides them gently toward where their gifts are most needed. They may wish to share their visions with others, but some have difficulty finding others to believe them. Regardless, their inner strength helps them during life’s most difficult moments.

Regardless of their personal suffering, this world benefits greatly from lightworkers. A little bit goes a long way in a world filled with hatred, jealousy, greed and all the other negative aspects of life on Earth.

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