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Blog #149--Earth's Polarity Extreme Is Obvious

Many have now heard about the possibility our planet Earth is going through major climate changes. With worldwide temperatures rising, including ocean temperatures, the consequences to our ecosystem might be devastating. Some predict widespread flooding of coastal areas, droughts in areas that are presently lush, and acidification of the ocean. Others suggest Earth may respond to these changes by reversing the trend and recreating another Ice Age. Regardless, changes are occurring.

As I discussed in my book “It’s a Secret, So Pass It On: a Toolbox For Life,” all changes that occur on the Earth are secondary to changes in its overall polarity since all things have an electromagnetic component. Any closed system, including the universe itself, can be represented by a spiral of energy that starts at one point and proceeds outward and upward from there. A three-dimensional drawing of this would appear cone-shaped.

The most submissive, indirect aspects of an environment, including the people and other life forms residing there, orient themselves at the center of the whirlpool of energy, while the most dominant, direct energies can be found farther to the outside of the energy spiral. Those in between these two extremes have the best survival chances because of their adaptability.

In the past 30-40 years, the spiral representing earth has moved in upon itself, tightening the spiral downward. This pushes more people into the submissive extreme. Fear and paranoia are increased in those drawn toward the center of the whirlpool since those outside of them appear to be more imposing and threatening as they move closer toward the center. Plus, their minds are spinning so rapidly, they don’t even get a good look at their potential enemies, preferring to mentally or physically run away rather than evaluate matters with confidence.

We are seeing the results of this in a wide variety of ways besides the climate. They say we should never discuss religion and politics because of their volatility, but both are definitely showing signs of being stuck in the extreme center of the whirlpool. For instance, the overall popularity of the Christian religion in the United States is on the decline. Mainline Protestant churches have lost nearly five million members during the years 2007 to 2014. Enrollment at their seminaries and divinity schools has declined by 24% in the past 10 years. The Catholic Church has lost around 3 million members in the past decade.

However, the response to the loss of membership has apparently done little to reverse the situation. In fact, church leadership in many cases, especially those who are closest to the center of the whirlpool, have usually continued the same doctrines and attitudes that turned off some of their members. To protect their self-interests, a number of churches have become more extreme rather than less.

While some of these churches have held onto or increased their membership by preaching fear and adding a political element to their work, the majority have supported beliefs that do not necessarily coincide with their master’s message to the world. Doing more of the same makes things worse for those at an extreme, but that is their only choice. They have lost credibility among those who think for themselves, especially those who can remember a time when their churches taught peace, love and equality for all.

Many Catholics were stunned by revelations of a pedophile problem among church leaders, but their church decided to cover up many offenses and protect the guilty. Since the church was founded by men who claimed superiority over women and were known at times to pursue homosexual interests, their hesitancy to eliminate the offenders might be understandable. But hiding the truth caused many to lose trust in their church and belief system.

On the political front, politicians have been pursuing a right-brain agenda at the expense of left-brain concepts and people. Using fear to gain greater compliance among the masses, they have gone to the extreme of refusing all attempts at compromise solutions to difficult problems. The more it seems to work for them, the more extreme they become.

A politician who would have been considered a moderate Democrat back in 1960 has now mutated into a predictable conservative. One who was a true conservative in 1960 is now thinking like a reactionary extremist. While this latter group may believe it is doing what the general population wants, it is incapable of considering alternatives to its policies. Thus, when things go wrong it has no other choice but to continue present behaviors, to its and the country’s detriment.

Thus, both religion and politics are showing clear signs the polarity of the Earth is at a relative extreme compared with its recent past. Those at the extreme will fight to maintain their positions at all costs, but eventually the polarity will reverse and changes will occur in spite of them. Perhaps a new religion or spiritual philosophy will replace those that have been proven unreliable and contradictory. Perhaps a new form of government and financial plan will be necessary to solve the many problems that confront us today.

Polarity changes are always accompanied by tremendous pain and turmoil since many people accept change reluctantly. But the silent majority is in the middle of the two extremes, and it stands to benefit most once the polarity reverses. It is the group who can achieve the kind of compromise necessary to balance the equation for the benefit of all mankind.

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