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Blog #141--Interesting Tidbits Not Included in Book, Part 5

Numerous topics of discussion were excluded from my book “It’s a Secret, So Pass It On: a Toolbox For Life” for one reason or another. I discuss some of these additional subjects in part 5 of a continuing series.

Tidbit #1: Among the sites my family and I visited on a vacation to Nevada was an area where ancients had carved symbols and pictures into the rock. Called petroglyphs, these drawings have stood the test of time. Some depict identifiable animals, but others are yet to be translated. Among them are a series of spirals, some moving clockwise and some counterclockwise.

As discussed in my book, everything in the universe moves in a spiral fashion, from a DNA molecule to our galaxy and the universe itself. We need look no farther than high and low pressure weather systems that occur regularly throughout Earth. High pressure systems move in a clockwise spiral, while low pressure systems move counterclockwise. At an extreme, low pressure systems can produce tornados, hurricanes and cyclones and much destruction, while high pressure systems are often associated with calm winds and dry conditions.

Plants grow upward and their roots downward, both in a spiral fashion. Toilets in the northern hemisphere flush in a spiral opposite to those in the southern hemisphere. Our gastrointestinal system utilizes a spiraling energy to draw in food and let out excrement. Our respiratory system draws in and lets out air in a spiral fashion also. A rocket shot out into space is immediately bent into a curved trajectory as it travels past our atmosphere into the space beyond. Scientists hoping to send a probe to a distant planet must account for this spiraling action when calculating the direction it must travel to reach its ultimate destination.

In some belief systems, spirals are synonymous with portals to the spirit world. There may be some truth to this. In my book, I discuss a man who found himself capable of automatic writing. At the beginning and ending of each message, he found himself drawing a series of spirals. The messages came from a spirit likely existing in the astral plane who claimed to have been the man’s wife in a previous lifetime. Perhaps envisioning spirals was necessary for communication to occur between the two, or maybe it was an attempt by the spirit to prove its veracity by repeating a universal symbol.

I have envisioned spirals in my mind on at least two unique occasions. Both times, I found myself receiving mental messages from others. In one case, a woman with whom I was attracted walked past me in a crowded bar. I not only heard a loud “hi” from her mind to mine, but I also saw within my mind a spiral that suggested I was connecting to something beyond myself. The same thing happened when my dog Ginger mentally expressed a preference for liver flavored dog food over meat flavor.

I believe spiral petroglyphs represent our connection with the space-time continuum, where everything occurs simultaneously and exists eternally. Accessing this level of awareness occurs when our own energy vibrations speed up to duplicate the vibration of the space-time continuum. The vision of spirals accompanies the instantaneous messages; the combination makes for an unforgettable experience. I have no doubt some of the ancients were at least as aware of this phenomenon as we are.

Tidbit #2: It is said that everyone is connected to everyone else in the world by a mere six degrees of separation or less. While it may not be possible to find a connection with certain remote tribes or nomads who rarely stay in one spot, in most if not all cases one can claim to know someone who knows others who know others, etc., until the whole world is covered.

It can be amazing to think about how true this really is. For instance, I’ve known several people who had met or worked with prominent politicians. Politicians get around since they are in a people-oriented business, so I am connected with all the people they know, and those people are each connected with many others. The list grows exponentially until it covers the whole world in no more than six moves. Try it sometime and you will begin to realize how connected we are to everyone and everything else. All our efforts to pretend we live in our own separate worlds fall by the wayside once we see the reality of our connectedness with everyone.

Tidbit #3: Along the same lines, we all are capable of experiencing instantaneous connections with universal energy and the space-time continuum. I discovered this during an explosion of awareness that led eventually to my book. But we can only interpret these visions based on what we understand about ourselves and our world. I took a number of advanced science courses in my younger years, but much has been learned since 1978 that was beyond my understanding when I had the vision.

For instance, I didn’t know that all electrons, protons and neutrons are composed of three quarks, two of which spin in a direction opposite the third. And scientists continue to discover smaller and smaller particles of energy that were beyond my frame of reference during my explosion. Thus, I saw what I considered a “Big Bang,” but the interaction I saw between positive and negative ions was due to splitting the hydrogen atom into electrons, protons and neutrons. Perhaps if I had the additional knowledge available now, I would describe the experience in a somewhat different way.

All any of us can do is represent what we discover in the best way possible for our particular level of development. That is why all creation stories have subtle differences that make them seem like separate stories when in reality they are all the same vision seen from a multitude of perspectives. If there was a way of translating all our visions into a common language, we would have many of the answers we have continued to seek since the beginning of time.

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