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Blog #130--Visualizing Invisible Energy

Throughout my book “It’s a Secret, So Pass It On: a Toolbox For Life,” I talk about how we are all animated by energy which is universal and exists eternally. Unfortunately, most of us cannot or will not see energy, thus making it possible to deny its importance. But there are a number of ways we can see energy indirectly through the results it produces.

Those who have seen a large flock of grackles or starlings during their migrations have noticed massive numbers of birds creating ever-changing geometric patterns in the air as they fly. These changes are secondary to energy movement within the group. The same phenomenon occurs regularly as millions of sardines follow their migratory routes. These birds and fish allow us to see what is otherwise invisible to most of us.

We can find similar energy patterns occurring throughout Nature, but we need go no further than a study of our own bodies. For instance, most of us know we all have unique fingerprints that can be used to identify individuals. But we rarely ask why we have fingerprints in the first place. The answer is simple: they represent the spiraling energy going into and out of each finger.

Each finger and toe is associated with a part of our bodies. According to one source, the little finger represents the heart and kidneys, the ring finger represents the pituitary gland, the middle finger is for the circulatory and reproductive systems, the index finger is associated with the kidneys and the thumb the esophagus. The liver and pancreas are connected with the big toe, circulation is associated with the second toe, the fourth toe represents the biliary tract, and the prostate in men and uterus in women are represented by the little toe.

When one wears a ring on any finger or toe, there is a chance it will reduce flow to and from that digit. Perhaps that is why most marriages are accompanied by the wearing of rings on the fourth finger of the left hand. The ring in this location likely indicates a willingness to be restricted to one person only.

Hand and foot reflexology is based on a similar principle. Since “as above, so below” is a truism, everything is replicated at all levels of existence, including within our bodies. Massaging our hands and feet improves energy flow to the various parts of our body. Even something like a pair of massage balls rotated in our hands can help create a balance within our bodies by touching all parts of our hands equally. This improves energy flow to the entire body.

I haven’t studied palmistry, but the palm readings I’ve had proved amazingly accurate. The lines in our hands have specific meanings also, and they are caused by energy flows into and out of our hands. Supposedly, the lines on the dominant hand represent the present and future, while the past is shown on the opposite hand. The vast detail known to palmists is far beyond this report, but it is a field of study found in human populations all over the Earth. If nothing else, we can rest assured the lines found on our hands and feet are evidence of energy movement.

People have tried to suppress energy flows for many millennia. They probably haven’t known consciously what they were doing, but accessories such as hats, belts, necklaces, bracelets, watches, earrings, shoes, ties and rings all tend to reduce energy flow. Copper bracelets are one of just a few exceptions. They tend to enhance energy flow.

The hair on the top back portion of our heads shows a spiral pattern where energy flows in and out. Many people have one or more energy "cowlicks," areas where the hair stands up despite constant combing. I have five. As was common during my formative years, I used to put oily products on my hair to mold it into a preferred pattern, but oil is a conductor of energy. Thus, my hair would stick up even more in the five cowlick areas.

Those who remember Alfalfa from the Our Gang/Little Rascals shows will have a general picture of how my head looked at times. He had only one area in the middle back of his head where the hair stood straight up. I had two in the back and three in the front. The "dry look" and male-pattern baldness finally freed me from many years of frustration trying to make my hair look the way my family wanted.

When I was young, almost all men wore hats, dark-colored suits, ties and belts, and starched white shirts. Heavily influenced by women who liked their men clean and controllable, men were willing to limit their energies in exchange for mating rights. The so-called “flower child” movement in the mid to late 1960s was in part a rebellion against those restrictions. Young people started wearing clothes with more color and less restrictiveness. Even the braless look had the benefit of eliminating the restrictiveness of tight, uncomfortable bras.

Handwriting analysis has its supporters because each of us has unique patterns to our handwriting. Again, these differences are produced by the various energy flows moving through our dominant arm and hand during the writing process. Even studying the various bumps on our heads, a field of study called Phrenology, can give us important clues about ourselves and others. Tai Chi and certain other martial arts are designed to copy natural energy patterns.

These and other fields of study are possible because we can see the results if not the energy itself. Of course, humans who can see auras know all about energy flows. Many species other than humans can see much more of the infrared and ultraviolet spectra than us. They respond to our energy changes, so watching them helps us see our own energies. And observing how we respond to others gives us clues to their energy vibrations at any given moment.

We can confirm the existence of eternal energy once we open our minds to the possibilities.

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