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Blog #125--Planet Earth Calls Out Globalists

Please allow me to introduce myself. I am the force of Nature that provides humans and other life forms with the essential tools of life. I provide the air you breathe, the water you drink, the raw materials for the foods you eat and the sunlight and warmth your limited bodies need for survival. Without me, you wouldn’t exist. In the most basic of ways, you are my offspring. I am planet Earth.

That said, I feel you would benefit from a short history lesson. I have been around for millions of years. Life has come and gone multiple times during my lifespan, and that pattern will continue ad infinitum until my ultimate demise. Conquerors and arrogant children of all races, religions and cultures have sought to control me and mine. Some have succeeded in relatively small ways for a relatively short time. The Roman Empire and Hitler’s Germany are just two of many examples.

You see, it is impossible to control me without tremendous opposition. I’m sure those who desire to take over the world will not understand or believe this, but we all function due to an electromagnetic interaction between opposite polarities. I and everyone else would perish without both + and – ions in relatively equal measure. If a country, corporation or financial oligarchy were to gain control over me, I would self-destruct because I would lack the necessary counterbalance to keep me alive and kicking.

When one group makes an attempt to take over, it actually creates an opposing group that keeps everything in balance. No matter how much a group accumulates, it cannot get all of it without constant interference from those whose survival depends on gaining freedom from their control. The Roman Empire is a good example of this phenomenon. It didn’t have enough manpower to force constant submission from more distant precincts, and it couldn’t guarantee any degree of understanding or enlightenment from successors of those who grabbed all the territory in the first place.

There was always an undercurrent of hatred for the “masters,” and many conspiracies were created to overthrow the Roman power base. Some failed but others succeeded in reclaiming at least some of the territory stolen from them by the Romans. Eventually, the infantile behavior of Roman leaders destroyed whatever credibility they may have enjoyed originally. The empire crumbled from the weight of its own incompetence and corruption.

Every generation of humans includes some deluded but highly motivated, intelligent and greedy souls who ignore the lessons of history and conspire to take over the world. They brag about their prowess and attempt to prove it by creating destructive weapons that can wipe out both their enemies and some of my other life forms. They find ways of consolidating most the world’s money supply and my natural resources so no opposition can stand up to them. And they know how to manipulate the masses through fear, making them highly vulnerable to all sorts of propaganda, false flag attacks and other forms of trickery.

In the past, I’ve left humans alone to their own devices, assuming they would learn more about what doesn’t work through failure than through my intervention. But now the stakes are extremely high. When weapons become so powerful they can wipe out the people who created them, there is a threat to my very existence. When attempts to maximize financial gain through short cuts, the use of highly toxic substances, the bribery and/or blackmail of public officials and the like, corruption fever has replaced common sense. They end up harming friend and foe alike. When one group of people arrogantly lures competitors into wars it believes it can win, everyone loses.

If people don’t come to this realization soon, and they likely won’t, I may be forced to produce radical changes in the overall energy patterns of my body. Increased frequencies of earthquakes, volcanoes, super storms, tsunamis and the like are signs my body is beginning to repair itself at the expense of large numbers of people’s lives. I might also have to undergo a pole shift, like I have more than a hundred times in the past. Even now, the magnetic north pole has moved from its position 50 years ago, and that might be just the beginning.

If I reverse polarities completely, I will flip over in space, making the North Pole appear in Antarctica. If this happens, few if any people will survive because it happens so fast. The same is true for all the plants and animals. Winds whipping at 600 miles an hour may be a conservative estimate. The basic building blocks for life will still exist, but it may take many thousands of years before complex life forms begin to repopulate my world, and many more before humans re-evolve.

For those who can’t picture a pole reversal, I am reminded of a toy called by at least three different names: Dippy Bird, Drinking Bird and Dunking Bird. It has two equal-sized hollow glass bulbs, with a long, hollow glass tube joining them and a rod placed through the middle of the tube to allow the bird to swing back and forth. A fuzzy material that absorbs water covers the head, and the bulb at the bottom of the bird is filled with methylene chloride, an industrial solvent. To make a long story short, the bird bobs back and forth until it turns completely over and refills the bottom bulb. I guarantee that if something similar happens to me, you won’t be around long enough to figure out possible causes.

The oldest souls living on me are reluctant if not incapable of taking over from the youngest souls. They realize young souls learn best through failure, having been through it themselves, so they tolerate misbehavior and periodic destruction. But if there was ever a time older souls could rise to the occasion, perhaps this is the time. Of course, that may not be their destiny. Regardless, we can all learn from both our successes and failures.

Humans are not capable of creating a lasting peace, again due to the need for opposite polarities and how they both unify (attraction) and compete against each other (repulsion). So I carry no illusion my appeals will be taken seriously. But I do hope at least a few of you will learn more about how you and I work so you can eventually take your place as one with the universe and the creative force that produced us. Then you won’t have to worry about being harmed by the destructiveness of a few because you will no longer be stuck on the Karmic Wheel.

As for you globalists, I know you can’t help yourselves, and many within the general population are tremendously susceptible to your deceits and treacheries. But when you get so close to your goals you can taste them, only to discover your fortunes suddenly reverse, I hope you can understand why your goals were impossible to obtain.

Ultimately, it is everyone’s responsibility to prevent me from becoming uninhabitable since that would adversely affect everyone. As they say, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. A New Year’s resolution perhaps?

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