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Blog #124--It's a Secret, So Pass It On Q and A volume 2

This is the second time this blog is being used to answer reader questions arising from my book “It’s a Secret, So Pass It On: a Toolbox For Life.” The book raises many issues that call currently accepted beliefs to task. I hope periodic question-and-answer blogs can help clarify some of these issues.

Question: When you discuss Dark Robes, you say some people have a purpose in life to teach difficult lessons through deceit and treachery. And you state these people tend to gravitate to areas where they can make the most money or gain the most power. Are you claiming some of these Dark Robes become religious leaders as well? If so, how can we recognize them?

Answer: Religion is one of the primary fields of endeavor where Dark Robes operate. Of course, if we were to name names or lead readers toward certain individuals or belief systems, there is no doubt we would have a rebellion on our hands. Many people depend on their religions for security in difficult times and are willing to fight wars and die to preserve their personal religious preferences, whether they are true or not. More than likely, some of the Dark Robes who have infiltrated religious institutions draw huge followings and make a great deal of money off the naivete of their parishioners.

Many people are manipulated through fear, and Dark Robes are tremendously talented at deceiving the general public. They can sound believable, and they can scare people into doing most anything they want in return for assurances of eternal bliss rather than eternal damnation. With the tax-free nature of religious institutions in many countries, more parishioner donations can be diverted to a leader’s personal funds than other businesses. Politics is another prime area for Dark Robes, and some combine the two for added effect.

We must use both our intuitive right brains and logical left brains to ferret out the deceivers. Should a popular guru receive all our life savings in return for his or her blessings? Should a television preacher live in a mansion, or should that money go to help people who are truly in need? Should we trust a religious leader who repeatedly preaches fear since fear makes us do the opposite of what is in our best interests? Should a channeled entity encourage people to buy products produced or owned by the person doing the channeling?

Think for yourself. Look for the deceivers in every business and organization since they exist in large numbers. Like I said in my book, they do perform important tasks to help the rest of us. We can learn to rise above the mud puddle of confusion and pain in which we often find ourselves through their talented efforts. We and they both benefit when we can love and accept them without submitting to them. We all benefit when we see through their ploys and free ourselves from their vice-like grips.

Question: You mention chemtrails in your book. I’ve read that this topic falls under the category of “conspiracy theory.” How can we believe anything you say when you are one of those kooks that look for sinister plots behind every bush?

Answer: First of all, the concept of a “conspiracy theorist” was created to discredit people who were trying to expose truths some powerful people didn’t want shared with the public. This phrase has been used many times to discourage the general public from recognizing some of the largest, most destructive conspiratorial groups and their methodology. There are many conspiracies hatched every day, so we must always be on the lookout for signs of ulterior motives for questionable activities.

As for chemtrails, anyone living in a NATO country can see these aerosol sprays polluting their skies on a regular basis. They differ from normal vapor contrails of jet engines in that they do not vanish shortly after production. Rather, they branch out to make clouds and contain heavy metals such as aluminum and barium. I speculated in my book on some of the reasons for these aerosol sprays, but more needs to be learned.

A big part of the problem is the large number of people who are afraid of finding out the governments they need for their security might be doing something with their hard-earned tax dollars that is being kept secret and might have a sinister purpose. I had told a friend about them, and he thought I was crazy.

One day while playing golf with him, I looked up and noticed a silver plane high in the sky that had been spraying a chemical soup before shutting it off for a short distance. It had re-established the spraying before I looked up, proving it was no contrail. My friend couldn’t help but notice it, but his fear got the better of him. That was the last day I ever saw or spoke with him. I guess he blamed me for noticing something that was extremely obvious to anyone with eyesight and an open mind.

Some assume there is no truth to chemtrails because the National Weather Service claims they do not exist. But a couple brave whistle-blowers who have worked as meteorologists have admitted being told to deny them. One local weatherman predicted “fair weather clouds” for the next day. The day began with no clouds in the sky, but little by little, multiple silver jets began filling the sky with grayish-white trails that crisscrossed and branched out to block part of the sun’s rays. No regular clouds could be seen at any time that day, so the weatherman had possibly been given a prediction proving knowledge of the upcoming spraying.

Before anyone discounts chemtrails as a conspiracy theory, watch the sky regularly and decide for yourself.

Follow-up to blog discussing the merits of the phrase “no good deed goes unpunished:” I was ready to purchase some bananas at a grocery store. There was only one line, and the man ahead of me had a cart full of groceries. When he saw me, he offered me a chance to move ahead of him in line. I was grateful for his generosity, but I found what happened next even more heart-warming.

Another register opened up, and the man was able to check out there. Instead of being punished for his good deed, the man was rewarded in the long run for what appeared to be a sacrifice in the short run. The balance of Nature works on our behalf far more often than we realize.

Another interesting tidbit: Professional golfer Jason Day, ranked number one in the world part of 2015, said recently that he wouldn’t have become a champion golfer had his father not died when Jason was young. This is one of many examples where something bad can lead to something good. If we examine our long-term successes, we will find at least some of them have followed down cycles or traumatic events. They may have been possible only after a negative event prepared the way.

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