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Blog #122--Earth History More Complicated Than Preferred

We like to think in simple terms that confirm our personal belief systems. If a new discovery contradicts previous assumptions, it takes many years before the general public finally accepts the findings and modifies its perceptions of reality. I have shared, both in blogs and my book “It’s a Secret, So Pass It On: a Toolbox For Life,” many examples of conclusions humans have drawn that were opposite the truth. It is rare indeed when we arrive at a truthful conclusion on our first try.

One subject I didn’t include in my book relates to ancient humans. We make the assumption that our evolution has progressed from the simplest, least aware life form to our present state. We are convinced we are at the top of the food chain and our present status is superior to anything that has come before. Some even refer to themselves as homo superior, as if they are a new life form that is naturally more intelligent and capable than homo sapiens, the name the rest of us use to describe humans on Earth. Whether true or not, it makes for a good rationalization for the few to mistreat the many without a guilty conscience.

But there are many signs still existing on Earth suggesting that highly evolved humans may have lived in ancient times, perhaps even before modern history was written. One need look no further than the Great Pyramid at Giza as an example of a construction that is so complicated, so precise, that present humans cannot duplicate it without heavy equipment and advanced technology that supposedly didn’t exist when that pyramid was built. We may visit it and marvel at its construction, but we continue to pretend that the ancient Egyptians, supposedly inferior to us mentally and physically, designed it and then enslaved thousands of peasants to cut, transport and lift multi-ton stones into elevated positions with expert precision.

The Giza pyramid contradicts our belief system. The same is true for the Sphinx, which shows evidence of water erosion that must have occurred before that area of Egypt became a desert. Other examples of advanced development around the world include Stonehenge and other monolithic sites, plus a beautiful temple complex in Cambodia thought by some to be more than 10,000 years old. The Aborigines of Australia have a known history of 20,000 years.

In contrast, the Jewish and Christian holy books record human history as beginning with the Adam and Eve story. Their followers extrapolate the date of creation as less than 7000 years ago. Believers in this chronology are unshakable despite evidence to the contrary, and despite the likelihood this story was adapted from history recorded even earlier but accepted as original.

Even if we assume human history is less than 7000 years old, we still have the problem of understanding how someone that long ago could have knowledge of astronomy, engineering, mathematics and the functioning of the Earth at least as advanced as we have today. We can’t just throw out any evidence that doesn’t coincide with our beliefs. Rather, we must create a new paradigm to include all known facts.

One possibility a few authors have concluded from their studies has some merit since it duplicates how Nature works. Let’s pretend we are observing the universe from outside it and can watch human beginnings. The first ones would be the closest to their creator because they were created near the beginning of time. As more and more of the universe came into existence, more life forms evolved on more planetary systems, until those far removed from the universe’s origin also included human life.

There are a number of ancient writings that say highly advanced spirits existing close to their creator became attracted to more primitive human precursors on Earth and mated with them, producing offspring with a mixture of both their traits. This supposedly entrapped evolved spiritual beings within physical bodies. If this story is accurate, it suggests strongly that we have gone through a de-evolutionary process to what we are now. And it means our ancient ancestors may have had access to truths we are only now beginning to rediscover.

Scientists have confirmed that the universe will eventually reverse its expansion and contract back into the oneness from which it came. Assuming this concept is accurate, humans will become more and more united with their spirits over time. Perhaps some have already begun to do this, but a long-term process is guaranteed before all humans reunite with their creator.

From a state of perfection, we have fallen into variable states of ego disarray and are struggling to return to our origin. It will be a long time before a simple majority of humans can accept this concept, even if scientists prove it to their satisfaction. But all we really have to do is look at the amazing items uncovered from ancient times and ask ourselves honestly how “inferior” humans could have invented them.

Our egos are fragile and don’t like being described in terms other than glorious perfection. But accepting a few idiosyncrasies within our makeup and letting go of false notions of our supposed superiority are necessary if we are to learn the truth about ourselves and our world.

Personally, I am grateful that those who preceded us left evidence to aid the learning process. That is our real purpose in life, and they left plenty of signposts to help us on our path. If this means our egos get their feelings hurt in the short term, so be it. Knowing truth sets us free from the pain as well as the misunderstandings that limit our growth.

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