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Blog #72--When Fear of Truth Trumps Reality

One of the chapters in my book “It’s A Secret, So Pass It On: a Toolbox For Life” is on fears created by the UFO phenomenon. I touch only briefly on the topic in the book, so I wish to add to it now.

Governments and religions around the world claim that any proof of extraterrestrial existence would destroy our way of life on Earth and create chaos for the general public. They use this excuse frequently to destroy or otherwise hide evidence they have collected that might indicate the reality of life elsewhere in the cosmos. While this fear may seem justified to leaders of these groups, it is their fear they will lose the power and control they now enjoy over the population in general that usually motivates their agendas.

Most likely, the general public can handle the truth, whatever it is. I saw a recent poll concluding that more than half the world’s population now believe UFOs are real. They believe Earth has received powerful and enlightened visitors from other worlds either in the past, the present or both. Stories carried down from the ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, Mayans, Incas, Native Americans and many others (including the Christian Bible) can be interpreted as representing extraterrestrial visitors. Cave drawings and petroglyphs show beings that look different than any race known to planet Earth, and some appear to be wearing helmets like today's Astronauts use.

Literally thousands of books have been written on the subject, and many are from highly credible, dedicated sources including astronauts, pilots, physicists and even a few highly placed government officials willing to go on the record. They can’t all be wrong. Of course, books have also been written to debunk the subject, but some of these efforts are so over-the-top, hidden agendas are plain to see for observant folks. Even television programs like the “X-Files,” while fictional to avoid censorship, are popular in part because of truths hidden within.

Humans once believed we were the center of the Universe and the only ones of our kind throughout the cosmos. But that was extremely naïve arrogance. We now know we are merely a small outpost far out on one spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, which contains billions of other solar systems and planets. And our galaxy is merely one of possibly billions of galaxies throughout the Universe. It is simply incongruous to pretend we are somehow alone. Some residents of the cosmos may be literally billions of years older than us. And their technology must be equally advanced.

But governments like to pretend they have ultimate power. They encourage books and movies which suggest, however absurd, that they can successfully defeat an extraterrestrial invader with their present level of technological development. They do this to maintain power over the masses, something they dare not give up out of complete selfishness.

Some have been known to utilize censorship, theft of property and ideas, massive fear-inducing counterintelligence and even murder made to look like suicide or natural causes to quiet or eliminate obstacles to their goals. This hasn’t kept all people from believing, but they have quieted enough of those with proof of extraterrestrial visitations to prevent change.

Likewise, a number of religious leaders fear a loss of power and control over their parishioners should extraterrestrials share their views on universal spirituality with us. After all, some beloved stories have been fictionalized to draw more people to them and away from competing religions. If these misrepresentations were to be discovered by the masses, their days of power and glory might be numbered.

More than a few people have claimed to talk directly with extraterrestrial sources, far more than the general public realizes. Some of these stories may be embellished or fabricated, but some have a ring of truth to them. Even then, those who have been indoctrinated into a particular religion bristle at anything that might go against their belief systems. Thus, I’ve seen a number of religious leaders say they find credibility to some of the UFO reports but discount them once they hear about the spiritual beliefs shared by extraterrestrials.

I found the opposite to be true in my own investigations. After the explosion of awareness that led to my book, I had a new perspective on spirituality. The teachings provided from extraterrestrial sources have been frequently consistent with what I learned in my inspired moments. It is these teachings that confirmed for me the likely existence of our space brothers.

While I know this article will not change anything for people who fear a loss of confidence in their government or religious leaders, or the lessons they have been indoctrinated with since birth, I am confident that knowing the truth will help us, not hurt us. And I know the general population will not fall apart once the truth is known for a fact.

If something is true, it is part of everyone’s make-up since we are all created from the same source. Deep inside us, we all know whether we have space brothers. We all know we are spiritual beings, one with our creator and everything in the Universe. This knowing will sustain us regardless of changes that might eventually be required within our governmental and religious institutions.

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