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Blog #67--We Can't Hide Our Secrets From Everyone

We love to keep secrets. This is especially true when we wish to disguise our true thoughts and actions. We behave as if we are invincible, as long as no one knows our business. I’ve got a clue for you: as much as we might want to do so, we cannot hide the truth from everyone.

First of all, we all have the same basic brain functions. If we are aware how we behave when we lie or hide truths, we can notice when others do the same things. Body language and voice intonation are extremely important in communication, with the words we use proven to be a lowly third in order of importance. Knowing ourselves gives us major clues when we observe others. Facial expressions alone give important clues to our thoughts, and those with inner doubts about the success of their plans may express those feelings in their voice fluctuations.

Of course, experienced actors and committed liars often learn how to manipulate their bodies to appear truthful. Many of us can be fooled easily by someone determined to do so. But even they cannot fool all the people all the time.

All of us have innate abilities to tune into the thoughts of others. We may not realize this because we learn from infancy onward how to tune out others around us. If we do happen to notice a consistent pattern to a person’s comments and behavior, we may also be able to utilize our psychic gifts to pick up key thoughts that might divulge another’s hidden agendas.

As I grew up, I began to notice some of these consistencies. I would ask people if I had correctly picked up their thoughts or emotions. Unfortunately, they would almost always discredit my assumptions. A lack of positive reinforcement added to the difficulty in developing my psychic and observational skills. That is, until I realized how vested interests often prevented people from admitting their secrets.

We all have an ability to twist truths into lies; it is innate. I discuss this at great length in my book “It’s a Secret, So Pass It On: a Toolbox For Life.” We behave as if we live in a universe separate and distant from others and can therefore divulge only what we wish to share with them. To perpetuate this myth, we go to extremes to add layers of protection to our first lie by telling more lies.

But as they say, “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” The more complex our lies, the more likely we are to expose our own deception. Eventually even a genius can’t keep track of every tale he or she shared with others. Mistakes are inevitable.

We are all connected, and at least some people can read specific thoughts of others. Some can sense emotional changes in those they observe. We do this because we are like them, not different or separate from them. Many species are better at this than humans, so complete isolation simply isn’t possible. Nature knows who can be trusted.

Our general tendencies and opinions can also give us away. When we communicate with our friends via cell phones and social media, we are providing a profile that can be used against us by anyone capable of gaining access to those communications. A number of governments around the world have the ability to connect with and save our electronic communications; some will undoubtedly take advantage of the opportunity to enhance their self-interests.

This information can be used to target product placement. It can also be used for purposes of emotional blackmail, and it can define us by our political and religious preferences. If a political party or group of antagonists with tremendous power want to do so, they can isolate those whose politics/beliefs differ from their own and restrict, imprison or kill them.

Any person can be labeled fairly precisely, proving how little we are really able to keep secrets in our lives. Police create personality profiles to aid their search for criminals because it works. With all the new material floating around the Internet and cell phone towers, personality profiles can accurately predict most if not all our behavioral tendencies and personal preferences.

Go ahead and continue to obfuscate if you will, but please be aware how easily you can be found out. You may only end up fooling one person: yourself.

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