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Blog #46--Underdogs Can't Rest On Laurels After Victory

In every competition, whether in sports or anything else, there are favorites and underdogs. The underdogs may work hard to overcome deficiencies, and once in awhile they produce an upset. But most of the time, their best efforts fall short at the end. And even if they win, their celebration time is limited by future failures.

In sports, a favored team may get a big lead but see the underdog rally to close the deficit. The underdog expends every ounce of energy to catch up, and it is human nature to relax once the rally has achieved a temporary lead. That is when the favored team usually finds a way to emerge victorious. All coaches around the world plead with their players to keep up their intensity after gaining a hard-fought lead, but few if any have consistent success making it happen.

The known history of Earth describes how humans consistently have more frequent success through lies and deception than through truth. Those seeking a more truthful approach struggle to be heard, let alone make positive changes. Thus, truth is usually the underdog. Mahatma Gandhi once addressed this issue by stating his belief that truth wins out in the end. But that assumes repeated failures trying to overcome the darkness that lies produce.

And since life continues, victory is fleeting at best. Our natural up-and-down cycles guarantee multiple reversals over time. Since those who have fought for truth tend to relax and celebrate their hard-fought victories, they become extremely vulnerable to attacks from those who have lost power temporarily. If anything, the deceitful ones work even harder to destroy truth since it is their primary enemy.

For example, Nazi Germany lost World War II after several years of battle. Some of the Nazi instigators were tried and convicted at the Nuremburg trials, and others lost all power and influence. Victors celebrated the end of fascism, but their joy hid the reality of the situation.

Fascist ideas were never destroyed, they just went underground. The gene pool remains the same, so a predilection to fascist ideas can still increase under favorable conditions. In addition, a number of people have been successful keeping their true allegiances secret, not only within the fascist axis but in victorious countries as well.

Fascism is beginning to rear its ugly head again because it is part of the cycle of life. Those who had to hide their true feelings for many years are beginning to gain advantage and to influence others with their propaganda and scare tactics. Fascist practitioners assessed their losses from WWII, learned from their mistakes, and set out to create an environment that could guarantee their success in the future. They have made much more progress than many realize.

This same scenario fits a discussion of racism. The United States finally established civil rights laws to protect minority interests after a couple hundred years of racist allowances. From then until now, many assumed racism was wiped out. They relaxed and went on with their lives, secure in the notion their battles were over.

But racists don’t change their ways just because laws are changed. They simply do a better job of hiding their true feelings until their cycle of life favors them again. After fifty years of civil rights laws, more and more people are coming out of their racist closet again. History repeats itself.

Laws in general are created as a reaction to some behavior that hurts the general population. The behavior always comes first since we don’t think to create fair, unbiased laws until there is no other choice. Cheaters and criminals are always looking for loopholes in laws, while the rest of the population continues to ignore this reality. By the time the latter group is able to end the loopholes or create more effective laws, the criminals and other selfish ones have already found viable alternatives for reaching their goals.

Truth is an underdog in this world. It may win some of the time, but only after much suffering requires a major effort to obtain a reversal. A victory is no time for a celebration since the vanquished are already planning their counterattack. Those who want a peaceful, truthful world must fight for it every day. After all, their competitors never seem to take a day off.

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