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Blog #45--Mutation Theory Needs Proof

I took a considerable number of science courses in school, and there is much evidence supporting Evolution. Plus, the mechanism for constant change within the Universe was described to me during an explosion of awareness that ultimately inspired my book “It’s a Secret, So Pass It On: a Toolbox For Life.” The many natural phenomena occurring both inside and outside ourselves due to “reversible electromagnetism” tend to reinforce the Evolution hypothesis.

In magnetism, opposites attract and likes repel. When objects with either a + or – polarity encounter others of like kind, they tend to repel one another. Objects with relative opposite polarities attract each other and may form a bond to create a different atom/molecule/cell/species. Mitosis, a basic building block of life that allows cells to duplicate themselves, is based on interactions between opposite charges. That’s how the entire Universe works as well.

With that as background, I was watching a television show recently called “Survival of the Weirdest” that featured the island of Madagascar and its lemurs. There were no mammals on the island until a major typhoon on Africa’s eastern shore sent large numbers of trees and bushes into the ocean. Some floated all the way to Madagascar. Hibernating within the trunks of some of these trees were small lemurs, which were said to be the beginning of 100 different species now found there.

Supposedly, no more than 10-12 lemurs with possibly as few as two females may have been the source for all these other species. I found this interesting since those 2 females had to have extremely similar DNA, and they were similar to the other survivors. When contemplating how one species could survive with such a small gene pool, a possible solution popped into my head.

Instead of producing duplicates of themselves, these lemurs are said to have experienced multiple spontaneous mutations to subdivide into 100 species. This sounds strongly similar to reversible electromagnetism. Scientists understand how “mistakes,” some of which may be programmed into everyone’s DNA, cause mutations. But I haven’t seen convincing evidence of how and why that happens.

Maybe there is an electromagnetic explanation. The first lemurs on Madagascar were all similar in polarity. Even the males and females were more similar than different. Perhaps the stress of similar polarities actually caused the genetic “mistakes” that produced other species since likes repel one another. Had there been a more divergent gene pool, the first lemurs might today still be the only species of their kind on Madagascar.

Speculating further, on a deeply instinctual level most humans consider incest immoral and illegal. Maybe part of us realizes that too many matings with close relatives might result in mutations into a new species. If that were to happen, human beings would have a hard time proving superiority over all other species, as we presently imagine. At least, the new species might be even more arrogant and eventually try to take over. Why else would we fear a mechanism that operates every moment throughout the Universe?

So I invite scientists who study Evolution to examine the story from the standpoint of polarities. Before there were complex strands of DNA, there were simple + and – charges interacting. If they look at the simplest level, they might just discover answers that have eluded them all this time.

By the way, Creationists do not believe in Evolution. Indeed, it is possible everything is occurring simultaneously, so in that sense there could be some validity to their concept that everything was created at the same time. If simultaneity is correct, one can argue against Evolution.

But what we may be experiencing is a series of life paths, each evolving as it goes, existing simultaneously together. This is one possible explanation that could unify opposing camps. It may not be correct, but the true answer must be able to incorporate both opposite concepts into a singular solution to be valid.

Of course, the whole thing could be a grand illusion we all accept as real. I encourage both sides of the argument to work together for answers that will satisfy everyone.

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