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Blog #36--Insane, Or Alternate Realities?

The child ego state loves to play. Those human children with survival needs met find all sorts of games to play, alone or with friends. Imagination can be a wonderful thing. Some children even have imaginary friends with whom to play and interact. Adults often encourage such play.

However, we are more negative in our judgments when adults claim to see “invisible” friends. Some of those who require regular psychological counseling or institutionalization describe seeing things and people others can’t. It is assumed they are not totally sane because the rest of us do not see these things.

Unfortunately, the term “sanity” has an imprecise definition based on how the majority of the population thinks and behaves. A number of otherwise balanced people are judged negatively simply because they have abilities others lack and are in the minority. Are they really debilitated, or is a better definition needed?

Experienced psychics and spiritual masters have described dimensions of existence beyond the range of human sensing abilities. The astral plane overlaps three-dimensional existence. As I describe in my book “It’s a Secret, So Pass It On: a Toolbox For Life,” it is where we often go in our dream state. It is also a common destination for those who leave their bodies upon death or during astral projection. It is one of several levels of existence invisible to most humans.

My wife Mary Jane encountered my great grandmother, who died in 1928. She believed she was still living in the house where she died, but she described furniture that didn’t exist in our perception. Mary Jane and I both met and visited with my deceased mother in the same house. She was found in her childhood bedroom.

There is no doubt in our minds these experiences were as real as anything else in this world. Assuming we are not crazy, we must conclude that others are also able to visualize the astral plane. If so, they are as sane as we are. Of course, if an outside observer lacking psychic awareness notices us speaking with someone from the astral plane, we might be locked in a padded cell under the assumption we are somehow compromised.

This subject arose while I watched a juvenile squirrel playing with imaginary objects in our backyard. It jumped into the air, as if attacked by an invisible source. It rolled around on the ground. It darted to and fro, as if playing games with a friend. If it had been an adult human, it would have been classified by some as insane.

The astral plane is familiar to many animals because their sensing skills are more elaborate than most humans. Youngsters of most if not all mammalian species show similar behaviors when their survival needs are met. This means they are either perceiving objects in other dimensional states or are mentally imbalanced. If human children are not crazy, then neither are their mammalian counterparts. And if adults see things invisible to others, then perhaps they are also sane. Just differently talented.

Letting go of judgment is an important aspect of spiritual growth. That includes situations where others visualize things we don’t. Maybe we need to expand our awareness before passing judgment. Limiting our perspective to what we identify with our five senses prevents us from embracing a much larger, more energized universe than anything we can imagine. And limiting others just because they have abilities we don’t understand does them a terrible disservice.

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