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Blog #16--Treating Others With Respect

Blog #16 --Treating Others With Respect, by Jack Tuttle

My mother always wanted me to be a professional. Having something like “Dr.” in front of my name was her goal, and she was overjoyed when I became a veterinarian. I got off on that once in a while as well; it can be a trip being placed on a pedestal by those who assume you are superior to them. I can understand how easy it is for successful people to become arrogant and assume superiority.

Fortunately, I was able to overcome that limitation. Yes, I now consider notions of superiority to be limitations on our personal and spiritual growth. After all, in truth we are all equal and are one with everything in the Universe. Discovering that spiritual truth was key for me.

One of the most satisfying moments of my career resulted from my work with Animal Control Wardens. Besides providing training to improve their daily tasks, it was necessary to improve their image. The term “dog catcher” is often used derogatorily against these people, but they are human beings like everyone else. Meeting and working with them convinced me they were worthy of my respect. The symposiums helped them take more pride in their work and develop more self-respect.

After a few years of symposiums, these Animal Control Wardens became more professional in their approach to their work. And they became more open to sharing ideas and working with people of different and sometimes opposing backgrounds. As their self-confidence grew, so did their intelligence level. From extremely humble beginnings, many were evolving into outstanding representatives of their communities.

It is a tendency of people in positions of authority to believe they are born superior to those who must obey their orders. Letting go of these notions can be difficult since many egos see that as a loss of “face.” And many in subordinate positions lack confidence and thus let others control them.

However, all of us are capable of much good work if we have the confidence to do it. It is definitely possible to help others improve their confidence levels. It is equally possible to help others rise to our level without us losing anything. And the benefits to both sides can be abundant.

Of all the animal interest groups I worked with as a veterinarian, the development of Animal Control Wardens was greatest. I knew I was on the right track when they began calling me “Jack” instead of “Dr.” They had raised their confidence to the point they could look me in the eye and treat me as their equal. Instead of lamenting my possible loss of professional status, I was able to celebrate the tremendous growth of a group of people who society had mistaken for inferior.

If we look carefully at something or someone without bias, we are most likely to discover their good points. With practice, we can begin to realize our natural equality with them. And if we treat them as equals, we will find them and us both benefitting.

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